What is The Internet?
  • Internet is global computer network that provide a variety of information and communication facilities, consisting of interconnected network using standardized communication protocols - Wikipedia.
  • Having the internet we can communicate with the people like a outside country like doing a business conversations, also can do a research about the education for the student. 
How Do The Internet Works?

The IP Address meaning Internet Protocol Address
In this world every computer must have a unique IP address which is like example like this (

What is the Browser does is to contacts the DNS which is mean that a Domain Name Service ) and looks up the IP address URL.

DNS ( Domain Name Service )
  •  Is a Service that running from a server matches and translate name to IP Addresses.
URL ( Uniform Resource Locator )
  • A name used to point to a website. this is what a type in to get to a website or what pops up when you search for a website. The URL looks something like this "www.website.com".
when The IP Address is saved, Your browser efforts to connect to the web server by opening up a hole connection, Essentially if someone is respond, then you will know you're connected. They will need a router if they want to connect to like 2 3 4 person or more than that different computers.

They we go that's what the Internet is all about and how the internet works. by using of the internet. we all can do like a business research for our business, promotion our product, advertise business and etc. Once connecting into the internet, we all have to make sure that its is very very safe network. mostly some of the people uses the internet to hacked for a bad thing example like stole information of us.


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