P2. How Busineses uses Internet.

For the second company i choose The roasted Sip Coffee Roaster, The Roasted Sip is a boutique coffee roaster and retailer based in Brunei, with an uncompromising dedication to creating a premium coffee. Mission is to make a good coffee accessible and exciting, simple to appreciate and enjoy. As a boutique outfit, we roast all our coffee in house, aiming to bring out the distinctive, complex flavor of each particular coffee variety.

How The Roasted Sip Coffee Roasters use the internet.

1) Information 

The Roasted Coffee use internet for the information like they are able to search about what is treading this days searching whats new about coffee, they able to conduct effective research by searching on the web using the internet

2) Advertising

The Roasted Coffee use advertising using the internet is to promo there coffee and they food, actually to let people to what they offer, to let know what is The Roasted Sip Coffee All about.

3) Buying

The Roasted Coffee use internet is to buying stuff, example for buying there stock, coffee cup, ingredients, and supply.

Actually The Roasted Ship  Coffee they didn't do use internet to communicate with the customer, they communicate through self service at their coffee counter, The Laksamana college of business use internet to communicate to the people who want to study there. there is the difference between both company communication.



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